Lost To The Bear (BBW Bear Shifter Romance) Read online

Page 16

  “How about a hike then?” he said.

  “Maybe, but only if you stay in your human form.”

  “Ok, deal,” he said with a smirk.

  “It’s quite ironic actually,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “Well, I usually head out right from my apartment. But today, because I wanted to make sure that you didn’t pick up my scent and come after me, I drove all the way out here. And here you are!” Roman threw his head back and laughed.

  “Isn’t that the very nature of destiny?” he said. “When your future is fated, whatever action you take to avoid it will bring you right back to where you’re supposed to be?” Kristin sucked in her lips and looked at him sideways. He did have a point.

  She was struck by how much she was enjoying chatting with him. It felt very natural, as if they’d known each other for years. But, on the other hand, she was lightheaded with the strength of the desire she felt for him.

  “Am I the first shifter you’ve met, Kristin?” he asked.

  “If you mean dating-wise: yes. I’m new to the site. But I was introduced to it by my two best friends, and they’re both with bears.”

  “And you didn’t fancy a bear for yourself?”

  “No, I – I see myself with a different kind of guy – ” She stopped, and their eyes met. Her throat tightened and she felt weak.

  “What kind of guy?” Roman asked quietly.

  “Someone intelligent, arty, kind-hearted, athletic, fierce, and opinionated,” she said. He didn’t need to say anything in return. They were things the app already knew, which was how it had picked them out as a perfect match.

  By now, they were back at the parking lot. Kristin ran to her car, took out her water bottle and drank almost an entire quart straight down. Roman hung back, giving her space.

  “Better?” he said, as she turned back to him.

  “Yes, much.” She hesitated, knowing it was up to her to decide the next move.

  “I need a little time, Roman,” she said, at last. She was about to say something vague, but then she stopped herself. Roman’s words were so raw, so honest and unadorned, stripped of the empty phrases that humans used to conceal their true feelings from one another. She owed him the same. “I am attracted to you, and I feel sure we’d be great together. It’s just that what you’ve told me today has been a big shock; a nice one, of course. But I just need time to adjust, to think things over. Is that ok?”

  Roman smiled and lifted his hands.

  “It’s very ok, Kristin. This is a great development from how you felt earlier. Please take all the time you need. And when you’re ready, you know where to find me.” He leaned towards her and kissed her lightly, just below her left cheekbone, his lips soft and moist on her skin. He walked towards his car. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to follow you home either – I’ve got an errand to run downtown,” he said. Kristin managed to wave acknowledgement, and she watched him climb into his car – a sleek European model – and drive away.

  After he’d gone, she stood there a while longer, touching her cheek where he’d kissed it. The skin seemed to be tingling, as did the hand he’d shaken, and the delicate skin just beneath her collarbone, that he’d touched with just a fingertip.

  It was almost dark now. She wasn’t surprised; they’d been out in the woods together for hours. She got into her car and drove home.

  After she’d had a long, hot shower, Kristin stretched her muscles so they didn’t seize up from the hardest run she’d done, ever. Then she had a quick meal, and lay down on her bed. She was beat. Hangover, plus Bloody Mary for lunch, plus unexpected run, plus… Roman. Every part of her burned for him. Her heart told her, loud and clear, that this was the guy for her. But there was still that part of her that couldn’t believe it was true. She hadn’t had an easy time in her twenties and early thirties, and she’d stopped expecting things to go her way a long time ago. She thought back over the day. Her conversation with Tamika was still suspended in her mind, unresolved. She looked at her phone. It wasn’t too late to call. She dialed her number.

  “No, of course you’re not disturbing me, darling!” Tamika said in her throaty voice, with its clipped English vowels. “I’ve just got the pups to bed, and I’ve got Kyle doing some techno-geekery on my app for me, so I’m all yours.” Kristin felt a pang at the depiction of their cozy family life, but she brushed it aside.

  “I met Roman today,” she said. “Well, bumped into him actually. I was out walking in the forest, and he was up a tree.” Tamika gasped.

  “You saw him as a tiger?” she exclaimed. “How wonderful! People say that if you see your mate in their animal form before you get together, it makes things extra hot when you mate for the first time!”

  “I don’t doubt that,” Kristin said, with a nervous giggle. “I felt a crazily intense connection with him when we spoke, human to human. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

  “That’s because you’re a perfect match, dear!” Tamika replied.

  “You knew, didn’t you? When I told you that he’d scented me, you knew that he would know in an instant whether I was fertile or not. That’s why you asked me if he’d contacted me after that?” Tamika laughed, a light tinkling sound.

  “Yes, dear, I did. But I didn’t want to spoil the surprise for you.”

  “So – it’s true? There’s no chance that Roman could be wrong?” Kristin asked anxiously.

  “Not in my experience, and I do know plenty of shifter-human couples. Kyle knows everything about my cycle – he can pinpoint when I’m ovulating. He even says he knows when I have one of those freaky months when I miss an ovulation. It was a little disturbing at first, but I trust him to know when he’s in danger of getting me pregnant, and we only have two pups. And our love life’s not lacking at all, believe me!” she finished, with a dirty laugh.

  Kristin let out a long breath. This was the first good news she’d heard about her body in a very long time. It was almost too much to take in. She realized distractedly that her cheeks were damp with tears.

  “Shall I go shopping for a wedding outfit?” Tamika said, breaking into her thoughts. Kristin laughed.

  “We haven’t even kissed yet!” she said.

  “Well, get on with it, dear! Your future awaits!”

  “Thank you, Tamika, for everything,” Kristin said.

  “Of course, darling. I’m always here for you!” Tamika replied, and they said goodnight to each other.

  Kristin lay there for a while, stroking her soft belly. She’d hated this part of her body so much, for so long. But was it capable of nurturing babies – cubs – Roman’s cubs? The thought was incredible to her.

  She was so relaxed and sleepy that she didn’t even manage to get herself ready for bed. It was all she could do to pull both sides of the comforter over herself, before she fell into a long, deep sleep.


  The following evening, Kristin finished her three-way internet call with Dina and Lauren and stepped out of her apartment. They’d just given her the pep talk of her life, reminding her how smart and beautiful and sexy she was. And, right now, she almost believed them. She was wearing a black, cotton jersey wrap dress with a low neckline, and olive-green high-heeled pumps. Her long red hair was up in a chignon, and she wore light eye make-up and a slick of rose-hued lip-gloss. She carried a small purse, containing only her keys, phone and pocketbook.

  She turned left onto the sidewalk, and strode along the street until she reached Roman’s apartment block. There was a pretty garden in front of the building, with two benches on either side of a little rockery. She sat down on one of the benches and waited. The light evening breeze lifted the skirt of her dress, reminding her that she was little more than half-naked, and it drove her pent-up arousal, chasing ghosts of fantasies through her mind.

  Five minutes passed. She planned to wait fifteen. If he wasn’t home, well, she’d come back another time. Six minutes passed, then seven. Suddenly, a tall, well-built guy
burst out of the front door and sprinted in her direction.

  “Kristin!” Roman shouted, coming up close to her. She stood up and he lightly touched her shoulders and kissed her on both cheeks. He looked adorably damp and tousled. “I was just in the shower. Have you been here long?”

  “No,” she said, with a grin.

  “You look so beautiful,” he said, gazing at her with wonder in his eyes. “Please tell me you came to invite me for a drink?”

  “I did,” she said.

  “Great! There’s this little bar, right around the corner, a couple of blocks away. It does a great martini. We could go get a table in the little outdoor area, hang out for a while – ” He broke off, looking at her with such intensity. “I want to kiss you so badly right now,” he whispered. As if hypnotized by his glowing green stare, Kristin took a small step forward. Roman dipped his head towards hers, and their lips met. Wow. His lips were incredibly soft and full. Kristin restrained a sigh of pleasure, but a small sound, like a purr escaped his lips, and he began to kiss her deeply, taking her breath away. She kissed him back, savoring the overwhelming sensations. She was lightheaded and tingling all over. His hand went to the back of her neck, lightly stroking the skin just below her hairline, while his other arm curved around her waist. He was a great kisser, his mouth soft and searching, and the tip of his tongue skillfully seeking out hers. The arousal that had been bubbling inside her all day long rose to the surface, making her nipples harden and push against the lace of her bra, and her clit burn for his touch.

  After what felt like a long time, he drew back and looked into her eyes.

  “Oh, Kristin, I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life for this moment,” he said. “You’re my mate. I knew it before, but now we’ve kissed, I’m more certain than ever. I felt like our bodies were melding into one, the bond between us beginning to be formed.”

  “I think I know what you mean,” she breathed. “I know I’ve never had a kiss like that before.” She stopped, overcome with emotion. He reached out and touched her face, running a finger along her cheekbone, her jawline. She shivered. It was unspeakably erotic.

  Just then, a couple walked past them, heading in the direction of the road. Roman shook his head, as if he was forcing himself back into reality.

  “I’m sorry. I’m probably coming on way too strong, out here in front of my apartment,” he said, with an embarrassed laugh. “Shall we go to the bar?” Kristin bit her lip. She imagined sitting at a table with him, politely talking about their lives, when all the time desire would be running through her body like fire.

  “I – I think I’d rather go into your apartment,” she said, looking at him levelly. Delight flashed though Roman’s eyes.

  “Are you sure about this?” he said in a low voice. She nodded, smiling up at him. “This is the last time I’ll be capable of asking you,” he growled. Kristin took his face in her hands.

  “Roman, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she said.

  “Good,” he said, and gave her a hard kiss, his incisors grazing her lip thrillingly. “Let’s go inside.”

  They took the elevator up to the third story in silence, the tension between them too high to speak. Kristin discovered that she was already a little wet, and it wasn’t the first time that day. During the afternoon, the thought of him had been so overwhelming that she’d been unable to concentrate on her work at all. She’d been forced to take a little break in the restroom, locked into the cubicle, touching herself and thinking about what she wanted this big sexy tiger to do to her.

  Roman showed her into his apartment. She leaned against the wall in the hallway, watching him closing the front door. Watching him. She’d longed for this moment ever since she first saw his profile, and now she wanted to stretch it out for as long as possible. She felt heady with anticipation and desire. As soon as he turned back to her, she threw herself on him, pressing her mouth against his. He backed her against the wall and returned her kiss with an equal passion. His body was hard against hers, pressing on her as he ran his strong hands up and down her waist, feeling the ripe curves of her hips. She slid her hands underneath his t-shirt, hungry to feel his bare skin. They kissed more and more deeply, their tongues lashing each other, and Kristin made little moans of desire. As she began to pull at his clothes, he moved onto her neck, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive flesh there.

  “Christ, Kristin, you’re a fierce woman,” he muttered. “The perfect lover for a tiger.” With a satisfied sigh, she tugged at the hem of his t-shirt. She succeeded in lifting it up to his pecs, and he assisted her, drawing back and pulling it over his head. His photos didn’t do him justice. His torso was incredible. Every muscle was perfectly honed, his stomach perfectly flat and rippling with bands of muscle, and his chest was so broad and deep. She had an urge to lick his flat brown nipples, and she did just that – the right and then the left, gently nibbling at the same time. He drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. His hands went to her waist and he felt for the tie on her dress. Finding it, he pulled on the bow and it unfastened. The dress fell completely open, revealing a flame-orange lace bra and brief set. Kristin held her breath, fighting down the panic that always accompanied men seeing her body for the first time.

  “You’re so sexy,” he whispered. As he gazed at her body, she watched his pupils dilate, the irises turning dark. Now she knew he liked what he saw, she forced herself to relax, and to allow her more positive feelings to rise to the surface. She felt sexy and wanton standing in his hallway like that, in her heels, with her dress open, exposing her sexy, dirty lingerie. She felt the heat of Roman’s hands on her waist as he touched her bare flesh, hesitantly at first, but then more confidently, moving up, up, over her ribcage, and sliding over her bra, cupping both of her breasts at the same time. She sighed as his thumbs grazed her nipples.

  Then his hands slid down, past her hips, and onto her ass, his fingertips making light circles on the fabric of her panties. He moved lower, onto her thighs, and leaned into her. And, before she knew what was happening, he grasped her thighs firmly, and lifted her right up.

  “No! I’m too heavy!” she protested, as he held her ass in both his hands, raised up as high as his waist.

  “You’re as light as a feather, baby,” he growled. She registered that he did seem to be holding her remarkably easily, gently propping her against the wall, with most of her weight supported by his huge biceps. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, only a flimsy scrap of lace separating the tender aching place between her thighs from his bare abs. She also wrapped her arms around his neck, and once again, they lost themselves in each other’s mouths. Their kisses were becoming increasingly heated. Roman’s lips were soft and luscious, and his tongue probed deeply into her mouth. Kristin sucked on it lightly, loving the sensation of having him insinuating himself into her body. She wriggled, trying to intensify the contact between them. She wanted more of him inside her. Her pussy was crying out for his touch.

  Suddenly, he lowered her ass by six inches. Now the rough material of his jeans chafed against her thighs. He was hard, rock hard. The bulge of his erection pressed into her cleft, and, as his pelvis made a little jolt, she gasped. She dug her nails into his back. She badly wanted him to take her right there, to push her panties aside, unzip his jeans, and slide his cock into her. She squeezed him tight with her thighs, holding his hips in a vice grip, and kissed him more and more fiercely. Roman pulled back with a chuckle.

  “Not so fast, baby,” he said. “I want to explore every inch of this beautiful body of yours before I claim you as my own. Regardless of what my tiger’s telling me right now!”

  “Oh,” Kristin replied, an expression of disappointment mingled with delight.

  He lifted her off the wall and carried her along the hallway and into a room. She couldn’t see much of it until he bent down and gently deposited her on his bed. It was an attractive, masculine room, with dark wood and jungle-green walls. The lighting
was low and flattering. She sat on the bed looking up at him, propping herself on her arms. Her thighs were a little open and her lips were parted. As he looked down at her, she could see the animal in his eyes, and, right now, he looked like he wanted to eat her alive. She fought an urge to close her dress and conceal her body from his burning gaze.

  “Don’t be scared, little tigress,” he said, in a crooning voice. “I won’t hurt you, and neither will my tiger. I want to give you more pleasure than you’ve ever had before.” He sat down beside her and pulled her into a soft, tender kiss, stroking her jawline with a fingertip. Immediately, she relaxed, trusting him. He caressed her thighs, moving upwards from her knees, to a spot a couple of inches below the lace edge of her panties, before sliding away again. She was aching so bad inside, and every part of her being willed him to place his hand on her throbbing clit. But he was intent on teasing her. His long tongue flickered into her mouth, dancing around hers, while his strong, agile fingers made little circles all over her thighs.

  He hooked his hand under her knees and pulled her onto his lap, so she was sitting across him, sideways. He took the clips out of her hair, allowing it to tumble around her shoulders in curls. Then, he slid her dress off her shoulders, and it fell down, leaving her in just her bra.

  “Kristin, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed. “Your curves are incredible.” He leaned forward and buried his face in her full cleavage. His tongue snaked out and licking the valley between her breasts, and heard him sigh softly. He cupped her left breast in his massive hand, kneading it gently. Wow, he was a boob man. Most guys got excited by the size of her breasts, but then didn’t really know what to do with them, beyond a few cursory pinches and tweaks, which was always a disappointment to her. They were really sensitive, and she loved to have attention lavished on them. It felt like the tiger was worshipping them, layering little licks all over the soft skin of her décolletage. And he hadn’t even taken off her bra yet. At last, he pulled her left bra strap off her shoulder and eased the cup down, freeing her breast. He made a sound of desire at the sight of her pale pink nipple, before dipping his head and taking it into his mouth.